Deepinsight joined businesses and organisations in supporting the initiative of the Climate Roar (Klimabrølet). We support Klimabrølet's demand to limit global warming to 1.5°C and we agree that climate change should be highlighted as a major issue as we prepare for the local elections in Norway. We must take care of our planet!

Deepinsight is concerned with global issues, and we believe that the climate crisis is one of the biggest challenges of our time. Climate change is affecting everyone, and we believe that solving the issues of climate change should be a joint effort. Being a data science company, we see great potential for data science and AI businesses around the world to contribute with their expertise in order to help tackle the issues related to climate change.

The Climate Roar is a national, politically independent, Norwegian initiative inviting businesses and organisations to come together in demanding politicians to act in accordance with the Paris Agreement's goal of limiting global warming to 1.5°C*.

All Deeps were encouraged to show their support for the initiative on the big event on August 30th, 2019. The Deeps attended the day - dressed in our Deepinsight hoodies - together with 50 000-60 000 people across the nation.

climate, data science, environment
Deeps roaring for the climate
Joining forces with other businesses to show our support for the Climate Roar.
To see the list of all businesses in support of the Climate Roar, read more here.

*Limit global warming to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels by year 2100.